Our term for the quinta essentia is OMMPA, which in an acronym for orbitally mirrored metallic primordial atoms (please see the OMMPA page in this web site for more detailed information). These QE (OMMPAs) are understood to be di-atoms of metal atoms, specifically those which two qualifications: they all share face-centered cubic crystallogy, and an odd number of electrons in their outer orbits. We theorize that these atoms — under a narrow range of pressures and temperatures, and in the correct environments — bond to one another as structurally-mirrored di-atomic molecules. Once in this form (and depending upon their mass) this bonding forms highly stable molecules, structurally close-packed in such a manner as to be (for all intents and purposes) totally inert. We also theorize that the heavier atoms (Au and Ir) are more easily bound to one another in this OMMPA form, and lighter atoms (Rh, Ag, and especially Al) are more resistant to this configuration, and therefore more likely to form metals. Following this principle then, Al would be highly likely not to form an OMMPA di-atom, and Au is more often found in this form than in its metallic form as gold metal.

We understand that the abundance of OMMPAs of any particular metal depend upon to factors. First, how many primordial (singular) atoms of a particular metal exist in the liquid state of any given material, and secondly, whether the conditions are ideal for the formation of this bond state. Since we know of no scientific theory sophisticated enough to explain why certain atoms form particular elements, we cannot know how the ratio of elements varies from one location or environment to another. We can predict, however, that certain environments favor OMMPA bonding. Furthermore, it is logical that the wider the pressure and temperature ranges in any given liquid may be, the more likely it will be that these bonds will occur.

From these simple axioms we can easily predict where we might find such unusual atoms in high ratios. Since the widest ranges of temperature and pressure found in geological processes occur at ground zero for a comet or meteoric impact, that it is here that we are most likely to find complex and varied minerals and atomic structures. Secondly, at sites of volcanism and associated magma chamber explosions (especially super volcanoes) we will also find higher percentages of these elemental configurations. This also goes for basalt flood materials. We aver that basalt floods are not a naturally occurring, periodic volcanic events, but represent the catastrophic effects of comet impacts (and potentially torsion pressures linked to close encounters with very large bodies in near earth space). These impacts trigger massive seismic pressure waves which travel straight through a planet's liquid center from the impact center to its antipode, rupturing the mantle, and thrusting magma out onto the surface. It is as such sites that we will find high concentrations of OMMPA materials.

To a lesser degree low pressure volcanism also forms these di-atoms, which includes shield volcanism as well as plate-tectonic pressure which forms metamorphic mineral facies. However, there is another phenomena which accounts for the concentrations of such di-atoms. This phenomena is occurring during many stages of mineral formation. However we suspect that it is in the rapidity of cooling, and in processes inducing recrystallization and phase changes within fluid states, where the di-atom OMMPA bonded materials actually affect neighboring formations, inducing the formation or re-formation of more OMMPAs, and under certain conditions, favor the replication of this pattern throughout a crystalizing mineral facies. These processes are referred to in alchemy as PROJECTION and MULTIPLICATION, respectively.

We hold that it is only the FFC (face-centered cubic) atoms with room in their outer orbitals (odd numbered) which constitute the alchemist's quinta essentia. However, FCC metals may all form these di-atomic bond-resistant molecular forms. This was the contention of Dave Hudson, whose early work with these strange atomic structures inspired many to pursue this research, including ourselves. He believed that it was the "platinum" group" metals which exhibited these characteristics. We hold, however, that it is only those elements which most directly affect the health and vitality of the human body, which the ancients appropriately labeled the quinta essentia. We maintain that despite confusing claims that this term means fifth element, or refers to the aether, that quinta essentia (
latin) refers to precisely what it means: "five essentials." There are only five essential di-atoms as far as human beings are concerned. These are: gold (Au), iridium (Ir), silver (Ag), rhodium (Rh) and copper (Cu).

Periodic Table_OMPA elements:ligands_Crystallogy
Periodic Table of the Elements (Crystallogic Structures). Quinta essentia OMMPAs are: Au, Ir, Ag, Rh, and Cu.

Naturally we can extend this theory to a rule which states that those FFC (face-centered cubics) with

Forming electrically neutral structures within aqueous solutions, these di-atoms have a unique vibrational signature. Their structures act as double-lever systems, with offset, double fulcra. In order to understand why and how they 'work,' we must understand aetheric harmonic principles. This will be explained within the pages of this website. Suffice to it say that it is the unusual manner that these d-atomic structures vibrate, and the high frequency of their electromagnetic signatures, which drive and prolong the formation of specific geometric structures in the water in which they are suspended. The cascade induced by the 'cosmic dance' of adequate concentrations of these energetic d-atoms, drives the creation of specific microcluster formations, which in turn drive sympathetic reactions within the organic structures of living systems, in a sort of cosmic Rube Goldbergian dance.

Rube Goldberg device (cartoon entitled: "Professor Butts and the self-operating napkin)

Our theory is that there is a direct increase in the production of organic clathrate cage structures within cellular systems, and therefore a rapid increase in cellular endocytosis, as a result of the ingestion of OMMPA materials.

These di-atomic metallic materials are currently known by several other terms today, such as ORME (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements), ORMUS, M-State materials, etc. We prefer the acronym OMMPA as we feel this best described the structure and orientation of these atomic paired atoms.

A correct understanding of nature's processes which create these QE from their primordial atoms, and the processes which deposit them in their respective mineral hosts, has been lost for centuries. In fact it now appears that — as regards many areas of what we refer to as sacred science — the further back in time we look, the more knowledge there appears to have been concerning the true nature (cosmology) of this universe.


These QE (OMMPAs) are understood to be di-atoms of metals having two characteristics: they all share a face-centered cubic crystallographic structure, as well as an odd number of electrons in their outer orbits. We theorize that these atoms — under a narrow range of pressures and temperatures, and in the correct environment — bond to one another as mirrored di-atomic molecules. Once in this form (and depending upon their mass), this bonding forms highly stable molecules, structurally close-packed in such a manner as to be practically inert. We also theorize that the heavier atoms such as gold (Au) and Iridium (Ir) are more easily bound to one another in this OMMPA form, and lighter atoms like Copper (Cu), Rhodium (Rh) and Silver (Ag), and especially Aluminum (Al) — which is technically an OMMPA-forming configuration — are more resistant to this configuration, and therefore more likely to form metals. Following this principle then, Al would be highly likely not to form an OMMPA di-atom, and Au would be more often found in this form than in its metallic form as gold metal.


We understand that the abundance of OMMPAs of any particular metal depends upon two factors. First, how many primordial (singular) atoms of a particular metal exist in the liquid state of any given material, and secondly, whether the conditions are ideal for the formation of this bond state. Since we know of no scientific theory sophisticated enough to explain why certain atoms form particular elements, we cannot know how the ratio of elements varies from one location or environment to another. We can predict, however, that certain environments favor OMMPA bonding. Furthermore, it is logical that the wider the pressure and temperature ranges in any given liquid may be, the more likely it will be that these bonds will occur.

From these simple axioms we can easily predict where we might find such unusual atoms in high ratios. Since the widest ranges of temperature and pressure found in geological processes occur at ground zero for a comet or meteoric impact, that it is here that we are most likely to find complex and varied minerals and atomic structures. Secondly, at sites of volcanism and associated magma chamber explosions (especially super volcanoes) we will also find higher percentages of these elemental configurations. This also goes for basalt flood materials. We aver that basalt floods are not a naturally occurring, periodic volcanic events, but represent the catastrophic effects of comet impacts (and potentially torsion pressures linked to close encounters with very large bodies in near earth space). These impacts trigger massive seismic pressure waves which travel straight through a planet's liquid center from the impact center to its antipode, rupturing the mantle, and thrusting magma out onto the surface. It is as such sites that we will find high concentrations of OMMPA materials.

To a lesser degree low pressure volcanism also forms these di-atoms, which includes shield volcanism as well as plate-tectonic pressure which forms metamorphic mineral facies. However, there is another phenomena which accounts for the concentrations of such di-atoms. This phenomena is occurring during many stages of mineral formation. However we suspect that it is in the rapidity of cooling, and in processes inducing recrystallization and phase changes within fluid states, where the di-atom OMMPA bonded materials actually affect neighboring formations, inducing the formation or re-formation of more OMMPAs, and under certain conditions, favor the replication of this pattern throughout a crystalizing mineral facies. These processes are referred to in alchemy as PROJECTION and MULTIPLICATION, respectively.

Our term for the quinta essentia is OMMPA, which is an acronym for orbitally mirrored metallic primordial atoms (please see the OMMPA page in this web site for more detailed information). These QE (OMMPAs) are understood to be di-atoms of metals having two characteristics: they all share face-centered cubic crystallogy, and an odd number of electrons in their outer orbits. We theorize that these atoms — under a narrow range of pressures and temperatures, and in the correct environments — bond to one another as structurally-mirrored di-atomic molecules. Once in this form (and depending upon their mass), this bonding forms highly stable molecules, structurally close-packed in such a manner as to be practically inert. We also theorize that the heavier atoms (Au and Ir) are more easily bound to one another in this OMMPA form, and lighter atoms (Rh, Ag, and especially Al) are more resistant to this configuration, and therefore more likely to form metals. Following this principle then, Al would be highly likely not to form an OMMPA di-atom, and Au is more often found in this form than in its metallic form as gold metal.

We understand that the abundance of OMMPAs of any particular metal depends upon two factors. First, how many primordial (singular) atoms of a particular metal exist in the liquid state of any given material, and secondly, whether the conditions are ideal for the formation of this bond state. Since we know of no scientific theory sophisticated enough to explain why certain atoms form particular elements, we cannot know how the ratio of elements varies from one location or environment to another. We can predict, however, that certain environments favor OMMPA bonding. Furthermore, it is logical that the wider the pressure and temperature ranges in any given liquid may be, the more likely it will be that these bonds will occur.

From these simple axioms we can easily predict where we might find such unusual atoms in high ratios. Since the widest ranges of temperature and pressure found in geological processes occur at ground zero for a comet or meteoric impact, that it is here that we are most likely to find complex and varied minerals and atomic structures. Secondly, at sites of volcanism and associated magma chamber explosions (especially super volcanoes) we will also find higher percentages of these elemental configurations. This also goes for basalt flood materials. We aver that basalt floods are not a naturally occurring, periodic volcanic events, but represent the catastrophic effects of comet impacts (and potentially torsion pressures linked to close encounters with very large bodies in near earth space). These impacts trigger massive seismic pressure waves which travel straight through a planet's liquid center from the impact center to its antipode, rupturing the mantle, and thrusting magma out onto the surface. It is as such sites that we will find high concentrations of OMMPA materials.

To a lesser degree low pressure volcanism also forms these di-atoms, which includes shield volcanism as well as plate-tectonic pressure which forms metamorphic mineral facies. However, there is another phenomena which accounts for the concentrations of such di-atoms. This phenomena is occurring during many stages of mineral formation. However we suspect that it is in the rapidity of cooling, and in processes inducing recrystallization and phase changes within fluid states, where the di-atom OMMPA bonded materials actually affect neighboring formations, inducing the formation or re-formation of more OMMPAs, and under certain conditions, favor the replication of this pattern throughout a crystalizing mineral facies. These processes are referred to in alchemy as PROJECTION and MULTIPLICATION, respectively.

We hold that it is only the FFC (face-centered cubic) atoms with room in their outer orbitals (odd numbered) which constitute the alchemist's quinta essentia. However, FCC metals may all form these di-atomic bond-resistant molecular forms. This was the contention of Dave Hudson, whose early work with these strange atomic structures inspired many to pursue this research, including ourselves. He believed that it was the "platinum" group" metals which exhibited these characteristics. We hold, however, that it is only those elements which most directly affect the health and vitality of the human body, which the ancients appropriately labeled the quinta essentia. We maintain that despite confusing claims that this term means fifth element, or refers to the aether, that quinta essentia (latin) refers to precisely what it means: "five essentials." There are only five essential di-atoms as far as human beings are concerned. These are: gold (Au), iridium (Ir), silver (Ag), rhodium (Rh) and copper (Cu).


OMMPA is an acronym which stands for 'orbitally-mirrored metallic primordial atoms.' It's quite a mouthful, but we believe it most accurately describes the probable configuration of the micro-cluster, paramagnetic, superconducting di-atoms once known collectively as the
quinta essentia (QE).

In the mid-1980s, a researcher named Dave Hudson – the man who's seminal research and subsequent breakthroughs were instrumental in causing many to re-think the viability of alchemy, and also the nature of micro-cluster metals – originally named these metallic di-atoms ORME(s). ORME was an acronym Hudson coined, meaning: orbitally rearranged monoatomic element(s). However, twenty-plus years later many researchers now hold that these OMMPAs (aka ORMEs, M-State, or ORMUS materials) are paired atoms. Some of our reasons for believing these to be paired atoms will be clarified in these web pages.

Unlike Dave Hudson, who originally claimed 12 so-called ORME metals as having the ORME properties, and linked these to the ancient alchemical manna, or philosophical mercury (etc.), we hold that there may be only 5 primordial metals which which most directly affect human health and consciousness. This theory also adds a new level of understanding to the famous alchemical term, quinta essentia. Rather than translating this to mean the essential 'fifth element' (after air fire, earth and water), we believe that that originally
QE may have meant the 5 essential primordial metallic elements used in ancient alchemy. I other words they believed that there were only five which were important alchemically.

It is possible that Hudson's claim that 12 (Platinum Group) metals formed unusual micro-cluster configurations, is correct, but what we no believe is that only this specific five
QE are critical to human health, and directly affect human consciousness.

Although the jury's still out on precisely how these elemental primordial micro-clusters are arranged, we believe that there is evidence that they are both binary, as well as being – in terms of their crystal structures – face-centered cubics. This is a major breakthrough in our understanding of these mysterious life-sustaining atomic structures. Additionally, our current theory suggests that only those structures composed of atoms with odd electrons in their outer orbitals, answer directly to those collectively referred to as the 'quinta essentia' (QE), or essential alchemical elements, once sought for by sages. This effectively rules out metals like: Ni (nickel), Pd (palladium) and Pt (platinum). For the same reasons (even numbers of electrons and atomic weight) Ca (calcium) and Sr (strontium) could not form OMMPAs of alchemical importance, with Ca being like aluminum; so light as to rarely form OMMPA configurations.

Obviously a theory based simply on atomic lattice structure and atomic weights is insufficient to explain every nuance of the OMMPA configuration. The very nature of the dynamic synergies of the atomic-aetheric dance has puzzled scientists for the last two thousand years. However, we can test our simple theory deductively.

Let's examine the behavior of the noble gasses. For, as our theory suggests, if these are face-centered cubic atoms, then wouldn't they form OMMPAs? The answer may not only be yes, but the fact that they are in an OMMPA state would explain their odd behavior as well!

Periodic Table showing crystal structures of the elements. Elements in green share
face-centered cubic lattice structures in common. (click for larger image of table)

Aluminum appears to be an OMMPA metal we well, and yet with only 13 electrons, probably almost never forms OMMPAs. This is also the case with the noble gasses. It appears that the very light atoms will not remain in an OMMPA state, preferring to form metals, on in the case of noble gasses, remain in a singular atomic state.

More goes on here than meets the eye.
The energy of orbitals, and their potential to bond to themselves or other atoms , comes from the energy in its outer orbitals. We read:

Atomic Orbital (Wikipedia)

“For elements with high atomic number Z . . . [the] s electrons (which move at relativistic velocities as they penetrate the screening electrons near the core of high Z atoms . . . this increase in momentum for high speed electrons causes a corresponding decrease in wavelength and contraction of 6s orbitals relative to 5d orbitals (by comparison to corresponding s and d electrons in lighter elements in the same column of the periodic table); this results in 6s valence electrons becoming lowered in energy.

Examples of significant physical outcomes of this effect include the lowered melting temperature of mercury (which results from 6s electrons not being available for metal bonding) and the golden color of gold and cesium (which results from narrowing of 6s to 5d transition energy to the point that visible light begins to be absorbed).”

Mercury's lower valance energy may create a destabilized condition conducive to transmutation. Similar conditions may exist for lead, allowing this low-melting-point metal to create an environment in which OMMPAs can come together and form di-atoms.




If our logic holds, then the 5 QE metals, in order of OMMPA availability in nature, would be as follows (the high the number, the more likely it is that this metal is found in the OMMPA state in nature. The lower the number, the more likely it is found in abundance in nature in its metallic form.

The following list ranks the natural OMMPAs 1) Cu (copper)
2) Rh (rhodium)
3) Ag (silver)
4) Ir (iridium)
5) Au (gold)

One reason for this inverse weight<=>OMMPA condition may be linked to the close-packing phenomena.


Close-packing can be observed in stack of spheres, or cannon balls



We define Prima Material as a mineral or minerals which (as alchemical Salt) contain the alchemical Sulfur (quinta essential which translates the energy of aetheric light into mechanical energy), alchemical Mercury (the aetheric principle itself as the driving force behind creation) and alchemical Salt (all matter, as a manifestation of aetheric duality).










Water-Aether Connection

For an exceptional reference site with an extensive number of (aetheric-geometric) water-related topics on its pages,
click here. (A special thanks to Barry Carter for pointing out this little gem)






The basis of the Tibetan healing arts comes from Bhaisajya-guru, Lapis Lazuli Radiance Buddha – the ‘master of healing.’ The begging bowl is made of lapis lazuli and contains the very elixir of life.

An indication of what this Elixir is that resides in this bowl is found in a story related about the Buddha when he passes the night away at the hermitage of Uruvela.

The leader, Kashyapa, warned Buddha that there was only one hut available, and that a malevolent Naga (see Naga below) occupied it. Buddha was not phased by this and went to the hut regardless. However, a terrific struggle ensued culminating in the hut bursting into flames. The onlookers drenched the flames, but they had to wait until morning to find that Buddha had survived. The Buddha emerged with his begging bowl in his arms and inside was a peaceful, coiled snake. The Buddha had slain the dragon of its fiery notions and emerged with a beneficial result.



A radionics and dowsing expert from Boulder Colorado tested our Amrita•Soma®, using the Amrita•Soma® as a baseline, and measured the energy of this elixir both before, and after a 4-day charge' in one of our M~Vortexers®. The energy after charging was significantly higher. Yet, after approximately 24 hours, once removed fro the M~Vortexer®, this additional energy was lost. It had resided within the water of the elixir (that not bound in the hydroxide's molecular structure).

We encourage our customers to experiment for themselves. Most people claim to feel the effects of our Amrita•Soma quite profoundly. Once this baseline (straight elixir) can be established by the individual, try the following. First, add 50% (pure, distilled) H2O to the elixir, and shake it in throughly. Allow this to separate (this may take a few days). Then decant off the water (we like to use a a high quality turkey baster), and try taking a normal 1-1.5 tsp dose of the water only. Is there any effect? Now, place the elixir/water mixture in a magnetite charger (M~Vortexer®). Allow this to sit in the charger for at least 4 days (shaking the mixture occasionally). Then allow the water to separate out as before, but leave the bottle in the charger for the duration. Now decant off the water as before, but take the same 1-1.5 tsp dose as water only. This should prove very similar to the effect of the elixir alone. This REALLY works, and it proves the principle of magnetite OMMPA microcluster acceleration is an aetheric principle. (see the MAGIC MICROCLUSTERS tab in this section of the web site for more information).

Stonehenge was placed at a geodetic foci located on the Salisbury Plain, Southern England

This principle was known and used by alchemists. The sacred cauldrons of the Celts – and the use of cauldrons by other races whose hoary tales of the use of elixirs of life stretch back into the prehistoric past – are frequently linked to preparations of elixir, mixed with water (tincturing) in water placed in a sacred cauldron. From such stories in the ancient past we can recognize the roots of modern homeopathy.

The Celtic Gundestrup cauldron was made of pure silver

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